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Writer's pictureCyndi Cummings

Organization Projects You Can Tackle in 10 Minutes or Less

I think it's safe to say that most people would love to be more organized, myself included. Perhaps one of the biggest barriers to organization is simply the amount of time it can take to get organized! Well, if you're looking to make some organizational headway, check out these 10 small projects that each take 10 minutes - or less!

  1. Throw Away Expired Make-Up: It's easy to lose track of expired make up and going through your make-up will give you a chance to toss the expired make-up and see what you really need and use!

  2. Reduce Your Mug Collection: We all have a collection of mugs we never use. Go through and separate your favorites and donate the rest!

  3. Go Through Your Kitchen Spoons: There's a good chance you have a whole bunch of spoons (and other kitchen utensils) that you never use. Send them on to someone else who could get good use out of them!

  4. Toss Your Takeout Menus: With everything being online now, getting rid of your take out menus will reduce clutter and bring more organization to your space!

  5. Organize Your Plastic Containers: Chances are, you have a plethora of extra lids and containers, many of which don't have their pair. Go through your containers to what you actually need, use and have both pieces!

  6. Re-organize the Junk Drawer: Old and broken pens, extra paper clips, rubber bands, old receipts. Chances are you have a drawer in your kitchen full of things that you don't need. Once re-organized, view it as a functional drawer in your kitchen to help you keep it organized!

  7. Start Going Through Your Closet: While organizing the entire space might take more than 10 minutes, starting with shoes or a certain type of clothing can be a great place to start! Many people go by this rule of thumb: if you haven't worn it in a year or more, toss it!

  8. Clean Out Your Car: If you have kids, cars can get especially cluttered and quickly! In our on the go lifestyles, keep our cars organized isn't always the top of our priority list. But oh, a clutter-free and organized car feels so good!

  9. Clean Out Your Sock Drawer: Is your sock drawer overflowing? Are there more than socks in your sock drawer? Going through and tossing socks missing their pair, socks you no longer wear, and putting other items in their proper place is a great organizing task to take on.

  10. Run Your Dishwasher Daily: Turns out, it costs less than 50 cents per load to run the dishwasher. And not having dirty dishes (and being disciplined about putting away the clean dishes) will leave your kitchen cleaner and more organized!


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