It can be hard to know what is safe to do during the COVID-19 pandemic and what is not. Are some activities more risky to do than others? Newsweek recently published an article ranked activities by risk factor 1-9 (1=low, 9=high) of catching COVID-19. Check out the activities the article listed below:
Opening the mail.
Getting restaurant take-out.
Pumping gasoline.
Playing tennis.
Going camping.
Grocery shopping.
Going for a run, walk or bike ride with others.
Playing golf.
Staying at a hotel for two nights.
Sitting in a doctor's waiting room.
Going to a library or museum.
Eating in a restaurant (outside).
Walking in a busy downtown.
Spending an hour at a playground.
Having dinner at someone else's house.
Attending a backyard barbecue.
Going to a beach.
Shopping at a mall.
Sending kids to school, camp or daycare.
Working a week in an office building.
Swimming in a public pool.
Visiting an elderly relative or friend in their home.
Going to a hair salon or barbershop.
Eating in a restaurant (inside).
Attending a wedding or funeral.
Traveling by plane.
Playing basketball.
Playing football.
Hugging or shaking hands when greeting a friend.
Eating at a buffet.
Working out at a gym.
Going to an amusement park.
Going to a movie theatre.
Attending a large music concert.
Going to a sports stadium.
Attending a religious service with 500+ worshipers.
Going to a bar.
"," Newsweek.