During this difficult time in our country and our world, we wanted to pass along some valuable resources and ideas for things you can do while staying home. Austin-area non-profit LT Senior Services has created a resource page with a variety of resources that is updated regularly.
While many of the resources are geared toward the Austin-area, many are also useful no matter where you live. Resource areas include grocery delivery/food resources, medical resources, social/educational/activity resources, church resources, financial resources, general resources, employment resources and volunteer opportunities.
LT Senior Services is also available to help in any way they can. If you are a senior in need or know of a senior in need, please reach out to them by calling 512-766-3658 or email coordinator@LTSeniorServices.org.
To visit the resource page on the LT Senior Services website, visit HERE.
"https://ltseniorservices.org/coronavirus-resources," LT Senior Services.